Friday, September 23, 2011

Life cannot be measured despite the sense we get that measuring is the only thing we are wired to do. We cannot train ourselves to invite more life in, either it comes in ways we didn't intend, or we acquiesce and it can come in to our loose mouths. We cannot describe life. We cannot mimic it.

Color which is so wild and has its strong hand on the veins of our subconscious can destroy us or can touch us inside our cells

Sound, also shows us how our spirit is a cave that echoes for 1,000 years. The vibration is so extreme that our marrow is hardened from its gel and turns into a can of bees.

We have no idea how life has a grip on us--no for certain, it is not the other way around. I am tenderized by pain and for a moment know humility. It has charred away the reptile skin of my will or my judgment or my morality ( I have not felt the sun in years)

Warmth must be felt from the inside out. To love is to thaw out and it cannot be built or broken.
I am in love with the sun, how she has no self-consciousness, how it is nothing but her own body that cooks our hearts until they are soft.

I am riper than an august fruit.

1 comment:

  1. Me too. I miss you. Can you come to my house. It's full of beautiful girls. You'd love them.
