Friday, May 4, 2012

a little something for occupy oakland

the physics of the world are emmeshed into the philosophy that you are holding like a rock in your hands, and you have to let go of that rock, you have to let gravity do its work, you have to become vulnerable. vulnerability, revolution is all about becoming vulnerable, about caring about something that is being threatened about believing in something that has never happened before. You have to give up on the logic that has kept you safe behind walls you've built yourself. in order for change you have to take down your home. revolution is about opening yourself to the weather. its about getting rained on. its about the deshell, remembering that 'true' is a thin watery membrane, or that it's mythological. that work, which  takes labor and hours and hurt, could actually change. it's about remembering that the entire world is balancing on moving plates. revolution is about coming out of the house, its about coming out of the walls you've built yourself. its about being afraid and showing your intestines. revolution is about emptying your hands of something you have been holding all your life, that you've been working towards, something you've put your sweat into, you've campaigned for even. its about letting those things you held for so long leave the warmth of your clutch and decompose.

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