Sunday, June 10, 2012

if i must

i will live with this smartalec jawbone, with these electric cells, these gaudy little limbs, this spinning liver. these orfices like stubborn kings. with this leaking sweat, this ego and magic, phemur soliders counting how much milage is left. with these eyes that take in transparent thought and turns it into the stink stew of worry and religion. with this snapping fish brain opening and closing like a duck's quacking sending messages to these weary gentleman nerves, punching holes into reality like a man walking into the ocean--first shallow and then the deep with its dark stain.


  1. Femural soldiers? (strong legged)

    Gaudy or gaudie (from the Latin, "gaudium", meaning "enjoyment" or "merry-making") is a term used to reflect student life in a number of the ancient universities ...'


  2. no no, you're paying too much attention, you need to *hear* it. no more definitions. no more questions.
