Tuesday, May 28, 2013

More Dreams

We are driving around on a spontaneous get away weekend.  I think we are sad. We drive around neighborhoods to kill time, and we see a house for sale sign out in front. 2bed/2bth. It says its open for viewing. I say "lets just go in to see." We walk in the front door. The house is suburban with a plain white wood front door and a green yellowish lawn. Inside there is not much furniture. The floors are glowing golden wood, and the house is filled with morning light. " Hello" the owner says. He looks like he's only 19-21 years old. He's also wearing a black football jersey and it laying down on what looks like a hospital gurney. He's blond and stout and has gelled hair. He looks pathetic. "So you're an athlete by trade?"  i say. " Yeah..." he looks proud. I roll my eyes. We chat about the house and how he's buying a bigger house and he tells us to look around. You keep chatting to the D while I look around. The kitchen is blazing bright, with yellow tile and a beautiful wood island. Then there's a long hallway back to the bedrooms. First the bathroom. The shower looks like a giant blue mosaic urinal. quarter sized blues and greens and sea foam glass tiles up the wall to the ceiling. it was dizzying and beautiful. "i thought, i guess no baths...or showers?"i walk down the thin hallway some more. I see a beautiful bedroom which snakes into another long sunny room. and i think immediately " this is where i can write, this is where i can do yoga." i run back to you and the D and i say " this place has a great layout." the i notice the other bathroom behind him. this bathroom has even more tile and is bigger and brighter and is twinkling like a sea. There is a huge white tub. On one end the the bathroom, to the feet of the tub is a huge window. I look out it and literally hugging the house is a giant 300 meter swimming pool filled with older swimmers and babies and water aerobic moms. behind the pool is a giant green hill, and beyond that a brick downtown I think to myself: she can swim every morning and walk, she will be so happy, and I know that we could be both happy here. I'm coming running back to you and say "lets put in an offer". hes asking for too much: 323,000 but I don't care. I know were going to get it. You already have all the info we need. You even have a giant pink check on it that says 300,000. I am proud that we know what we are doing this time. everything is in order. we walk out of the place, and you say " we don't even know where we are!" I notice a giant sign behind the house that says: ORIGAMI. The town's name. My brother is there with us all of the sudden and says "OMG look at that park!" we didn't notice before, but across the street from the house on the other side from the pool there is another giant grassy park, with rolling hills and oaks and lakes and geese for as far as the eye can see. i am so happy i could die.

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