Saturday, July 13, 2013

I am a Man

I am bear god
I am the physical night
sane leather of sweat
beard of fire

I am a roof
a boat
open rock
wolf window
out to the green sea
I am the architecture of family
old yellow molars
cinder and pipe growl
hammering tears flat

I am the painted father
copper in the dead sun

Thursday, July 11, 2013

At the Laundromat Yesterday

And then I hate them because they can't keep their guilt
Out of any moment.
'Stop staining the bright sun with your laboring'
I want to say.

It's lovely the way loneliness
Slows down time.

His eyes were as blue as a baby
As Christ's.
I'm trying to hold every moment as if
It were my own child,
But of course I ignore
The little thing
And it stands alone at the window
Every moment is innocent
And every moment passes
Without my love.

From Undoing 2013

The black heat of god
The final field
Skin of her
This love is the mouth of a funeral
The breath of our old endless sea
The uncoordinated bites
The swords of morning light
Coming into our eyes
Our disease
Our mistakes

Come out of the grave
With the religious stench of earth
Come out from under the blanket of sin
Touch the gloss of this heaven
Back to the young prayers
To the bliss of slippery gut of fire
Oh! Beast! You are an inevitable circle
You are always weeping the salty night
You are the love in our secrets
The love in our families: